Element 41
Demonstrating Value and Respect for Reluctant Learners
Elements 1 -3 have a focus on Providing and Communicating Clear Learning Goals

Where do I start?
Your primary resource is your book The New Art and Science of Teaching by Robert J Marzano. This site will take you further into each element.
Click this link to view the folio. For Copyright reasons, this link will only work if you are logged into your D49 account.
Dive Deeper
The Marzano Compendium of Instructional Strategies is a great place to begin. This folio is designed to help teachers increase their effectiveness by focusing on professional growth. It includes numerous strategies and reproducibles.
Self Assess
This scale will help you assess and monitor your progress with this element.
I adapt behaviors and create new strategies for unique student needs and situations.
A teacher uses verbal and nonverbal indicators to make all her students feel welcome and valued in her class. She often high-fives students or gives a pat on the back as encouragement. She notices, however, that one reluctant learner seems uncomfortable with this, so she modifies her implementation with that student to give him the personal space he needs.
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I exhibit behaviors that demonstrate value and respect for reluctant learners and I monitor the impact on reluctant learners.
A teacher uses words and gestures to affirm his value and respect for all his students. He keeps track of behaviors from reluctant learners that indicate they are becoming more comfortable in the classroom, as well as instances in which students treat one another with respect. He is able to see that both these indicators are increasing as he becomes more proficient with this element.
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I exhibit behaviors that demonstrate value and respect for reluctant learners, but I do not monitor the effects on students.
A teacher has consciously begun to identify her expectations of various students and adjust her behavior to demonstrate value and respect for all students, but she has not collected any evidence of the impact this might be having on her reluctant learners.
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I use the strategies and behaviors associated with this element incorrectly or with parts missing.
A teacher is generally friendly and respectful to all students. She notices that she does not have as many personal interactions with the reluctant learners in her class, yet she does not change her behavior.
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Not Using
I am unaware of strategies and behaviors associated with this element.
A teacher realizes that he has differing expectations for his students, but he does not do anything to treat students more equitably.
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What does it look like?
Here is an example video from one of our D49 teachers!
Watch Example: Providing and Communicating Clear Learning Goals Classroom: Kindergarten
Teacher: Jaci Reed (RVES)
iObservation Videos
More videos can be found in the Resource Library in iObservation.

Click this link to view the video.
For Copyright reasons, this link will only work if you are logged into your D49 account.
Strategies In Action - Video 28: Withitness & Objectivity and Control & Demonstrating Value and Respect
Grades: 6-8
View the Strategies in Action video for demonstrating "withitness", displaying objectivity and control, and demonstrating value and respect for all students. As an enhancement, access the debrief tool titled, Strategies In Action - Video 28: Withitness & Objectivity and Control & Demonstrating Value and Respect (Grades 6-8) Debrief.

Click this link to view the video.
For Copyright reasons, this link will only work if you are logged into your D49 account.
Strategies In Action - Video 11: Demonstrating Value and Respect & Probing Incorrect Answers
Grades: 9-12
View the Strategies in Action video for demonstrating value and respect for low expectancy students and probing incorrect answers with low expectancy students. As an enhancement, access the debrief tool titled, Strategies In Action - Video 11: Demonstrating Value and Respect & Probing Incorrect Answers (Grades 9-12) Debrief.

Click this link to view the video
For Copyright reasons, this link will only work if you are logged into your D49 account.
Strategies In Action - Video 42: Demonstrating Value and Respect & Probing Incorrect Answers with Low Expectancy Students
Grade: 4
View the Strategies in Action video for communicating high expectations for students by demonstrating value and respect, as well as probing incorrect answers with low expectancy students. As an enhancement, access the debrief tool titled, Strategies In Action - Video 42: Demonstrating Value and Respect & Probing Incorrect Answers with Low Expectancy Students (Grade 4) Debrief.