Element 38
Using Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors that Indicate Affection for Students
Elements 1 -3 have a focus on Providing and Communicating Clear Learning Goals

Where do I start?
Your primary resource is your book The New Art and Science of Teaching by Robert J Marzano. This site will take you further into each element.
Click this link to view the folio. For Copyright reasons, this link will only work if you are logged into your D49 account.
Dive Deeper
The Marzano Compendium of Instructional Strategies is a great place to begin. This folio is designed to help teachers increase their effectiveness by focusing on professional growth. It includes numerous strategies and reproducibles.
Self Assess
This scale will help you assess and monitor your progress with this element.
I adapt behaviors and create new strategies for unique student needs and situations.
A teacher actively seeks out students for informal conferences and uses the information she gathers to inform future interactions with students. She notices that some students need extra encouragement and interaction to feel welcome and comfortable in class, so she makes an effort to connect with those students about their interests more often.
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I use verbal and non- verbal behaviors that indicate affection for students, and I monitor the extent to which my actions affect students.
A teacher tries a variety of strategies to indicate affection for students. The teacher monitors how students react to various strategies to determine which strategies work best for which students. For example, the teacher notices that one student seems to respond better to being given special responsibilities than he does to joking around.
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I use verbal and non- verbal behaviors that indicate affection for students, but I
do not monitor the effect on students.
A teacher posts a photo bulletin board, attends after-school functions in which students participate, and tries to have informal conferences with each of his students to get to know them. However, he does not monitor the effects of his relationship-building efforts on students.
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I use the strategies and behaviors associated with this element incorrectly or with parts missing.
A teacher uses verbal and nonverbal behaviors to indicate affection for some students. However, she does not use these behaviors to indicate affection for all the students in her class, thus making some students feel very welcome while alienating others.
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Not Using
I am unaware of strategies and behaviors associated with this element.
A teacher may feel positively about his students but does not actively try to show that he likes his students as individuals.
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What does it look like?
Here is an example video from one of our D49 teachers!
Watch Example: Providing and Communicating Clear Learning Goals Classroom: Kindergarten
Teacher: Jaci Reed (RVES)
iObservation Videos
More videos can be found in the Resource Library in iObservation.

Click this link to view the video.
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Strategies In Action - Video 44: Managing Response Rates & Using Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors that Indicate Affection for Students
Grades: 9-12
View the Strategies in Action video for managing response rates and using nonverbal and verbal behaviors that indicate affection for students. As an enhancement, access the debrief tool titled, Strategies In Action - Video 44: Managing Response Rates & Using Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors that Indicate Affection for Students (Grades 9-12) Debrief.

Protocol Video: Using Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors that Indicate Affection
Grade: 9
In this video, Dr. Marzano introduces and discusses the lesson segment enacted on the spot with specific attention to using verbal and nonverbal behaviors to indicate affection.
Click this link to view the video.
For Copyright reasons, this link will only work if you are logged into your D49 account.

Protocol Video: Using Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors that Indicate Affection
Grade: 10
In this video, Dr. Marzano introduces and discusses the lesson segment enacted on the spot with specific attention to using verbal and nonverbal behaviors to indicate affection.
Click this link to view the video
For Copyright reasons, this link will only work if you are logged into your D49 account.

Click this link to view the video.
For Copyright reasons, this link will only work if you are logged into your D49 account.
Strategies In Action - Video 31: Practicing & Students' Interests & Verbal Behaviors Grade: 6
View the Strategies in Action video for helping students practice skills, strategies, and processes, understanding students' interests and backgrounds, and using verbal and nonverbal behaviors to indicate affection for students. As an enhancement, access the debrief tool titled, Strategies In Action - Video 31: Practicing & Students' Interests & Verbal Behaviors (Grade 6) Debrief.